The CPSU NSW University of Sydney Branch held its Annual General Meeting on 26 May 2021 to elect a new Branch Committee, with the following Delegates being elected.
President Grant Wheeler
Vice President Ivan Coates
Secretary Patrick O’Mara
Assistant Secretary Ruth Livingstone (late nomination)
Women’s Officer Rachelle Down
Membership Registrar Holly Eades
Branch Delegates
Peter Adams
Lachlan Grant
Virginia Hilyard
Norton Roughley
Matthew Etherden
Al Yap
Rachel Hassett
Delegates play a critical role in representing members’ interests to university management, and in building the strength and capacity of CPSU NSW.
Thank you and congratulations to all delegates.
The CPSU NSW has developed a handbook HERE that explains the benefits of being a member of the only union that is exclusively for Professional Staff.
Ask them to join the CPSU NSW HERE.
Follow the CPSU NSW on Facebook HERE.
Stand with us today!
Professional Staff: Worth Every Cent!