
Wednesday, 17 March 2021

Bargaining Survey results

Bargaining Survey – March 2021 (PDF version)

Thank you for to those members who completed the union’s bargaining survey and/or attended the members’ meeting. The survey results prioritised the importance of the workplace issues in the following order:

 In order of importance members rated issues the following:

  1. Job security
  2. Maintenance of travel allowance
  3. Increase in employer-funder super
  4. Wage increase
  5. Ability to continue to work remotely
  6. Allowance for remote working.

In addition to the above, members stated workplace flexibility and maintenance of current conditions, especially leave, is also important.

The CPSU NSW anticipates that there will be some challenges this round of bargaining, and are exploring all options to achieve the best possible outcome for members.

Next steps

As a result, your CPSU NSW bargaining representatives are developing a draft log of claims/interests that reflects the concerns of members. The union is talking to the other staff unions in an attempt to put together a combined log. Once we have a document together, the CPSU NSW will provide a draft to members for comment.

The combined unions have advised WaterNSW that we are interested participate in an Interest based bargaining (IBB) process subject to the following;

  1. The IBB is facilitated by former Deputy President Booth.
  2. WaterNSW genuinely participate in the IBB process free from perceived constraints associated with the State Wage Policy.

We have been advised former Deputy President Booth is available and interested, but to date they have not clearly indicated whether they will be “free from the State Wages Policy”. This is a matter the CPSU NSW will seek further clarification.

Know someone who is not a member of the CPSU NSW?  

Ask them to join the CPSU NSW HERE.

Follow the CPSU NSW on Facebook HERE.

Stand with us today!

Contact the CPSU NSW

Member Support Centre 1300 772 679

Senior Organiser
Anne Kennelly 

Kirra Jackson 

Your delegates

Ben Hanks Tamworth

Mark Hopper Maitland

Richard Wheatley Dubbo    

Scott Butler Parramatta

Andrew Harrison Singleton