
Monday, 1 February 2021

Clarence Correctional Centre – Enterprise Bargaining Update no. 1

Clarence Correctional Centre – Enterprise Bargaining Update no 1
It has been a long road just to get here, but enterprise bargaining between your Union the CPSU NSW and Serco towards a new set of working arrangements for Correctional Case Officers has begun.

The parties have met twice and agreed to meet fortnightly from here on in an attempt to manufacture an agreement as quickly as possible.  That said, there is a lot of work to do.

So far we have only agreed on consultation and dispute resolution clauses, and that the agreement will be relatively short in its term.  The common objective is to get the salary rates improved – from our perspective it is about ensuring you are adequately paid for the job you do, and from Serco it is in recognition that the current rates are not helping them recruit or retain staff.

Correctional Supervisors

Serco proposes to exclude Correctional Supervisors from the agreement.  This would be inconsistent with most if not all other enterprise agreements for privately-operated correctional centres across the country, which include such as classification or its equivalent.  There is a legal application the CPSU NSW can make on behalf of Correctional Supervisors to the Fair Work Commission to have you included but we need an indication from relevant CPSU NSW members that they want us to pursue it.  If you are a Correctional Supervisor, please email Troy on and let us know if you want to be under the enterprise agreement or not.

Administrative and non-custodial staff

Serco has also proposed to exclude Administrative and Non-Custodial staff from this agreement, but has indicated it is not opposed to negotiating a separate agreement for these classifications in the future.  We think that given the complexity of these other classifications this is a reasonable approach, but intend to pursue such an agreement as soon as it is possible.

Have your say NOW!

What is negotiated in the agreement shouldn’t be determined by industrial staff….it should be controlled by you.  That is why we have developed a quick online survey HERE to collate your views as to what is important.  Forward this email onto another address where you can access it, and if you can find the five minutes it will take to complete the survey your input will be invaluable.

Your new delegates

Congratulations to your colleagues who have stepped up and nominated as CPSU NSW delegates last month.  They are :

  • Tom Bloomquist
  • Tyson Franke
  • Alex Paull
  • Tammy Priddle
  • Sasha Vasilieff

Please introduce yourself to them and join me in thanking them for volunteering to represent you.  In due course they will serve as your first port of call for information and our spokespersons at the Centre.  In the meantime please don’t hesitate to contact the CPSU NSW through our Members Support Centre 1300 772 679 or if you require, and ask a colleague to join the Union today as in numbers we can make a difference