Factsheet – Nov 2020 (PDF version)
Members will be aware that the university will soon issue a Final Change Plan for the Voluntary Redundancy Program. The CPSU NSW consulted its members to gauge their views, discussed the proposal at length and provided feedback to the university. See the bulletin HERE.
Accordingly, your union, the CPSU NSW, has produced this FACTSHEET outlining the rights of Professional Staff during a restructure.
Join the Professional Staff union: the CPSU NSW HERE.
Stand with us today!
Professional Staff: Worth Every Cent!
Follow the CPSU NSW on Facebook www.facebook.com/UniversityProfessionalStaff
YOUR CPSU NSW Branch Committee
Branch President Grant Wheeler Vice President Ivan Coates Secretary Patrick O’Mara Assistant Secretary Al Yap Women’s Officer Ruth Livingstone Membership Registrar Holly Eades
Branch delegates
Norton Roughly Peter Adams Virginia Hilyard Rachelle Down Andrew Oulianoff Lachlan Grant Matthew Etherden