
Thursday, 15 October 2020

UNSW Workplace Change Proposals

Workplace Change – Oct 2020 (PDF version)

As you are probably aware, the University of NSW (UNSW) issued a Workplace Change Proposal in September 2020.

Your union, the CPSU NSW, provided submissions in relation to the Change Proposal on 12 October 2020, as well as supported individual members to make their own submissions.

The CPSU NSW raised a number of issues concerns about the Proposal including the following:

  • Ongoing and anticipated workload issues arising from the disestablishment of Professional Roles
  • The university’s obligation around WHS, and the need to undertake risk assessments in relation to the changes of systems of work, and workload issues
  • Position Descriptions that appear to be out of date in some areas
  • UNSW’s lack of identified and mapped processes in some areas, meaning the Change Proposals may be based on inaccurate information
  • The need for a training and support strategy when staff are required to undertake different roles or functions.

The CPSU NSW has also sought additional information from UNSW including the following:

  • The proposed assessment process for disestablished staff in relation to vacant or newly created roles
  • A copy of any workload risk assessments that had been undertaken as part of the Change Process
  • Consultation in relation to new position descriptions
  • Ongoing consultation throughout the Change Process.

The CPSU NSW will support our members and protect their interests throughout this process. Your union invites your feedback in relation to the Change Proposal and issues affecting you. While the official feedback period has concluded, the union will continue to advocate for you, and raise your issues and concerns with management.

The more communication we have from you about this, the more we can do to support you during this period.

The CPSU NSW is the union for ONLY professional staff, and so, your experiences and concerns are our number one priority. If you know any other professional staff who are concerned with these changes – even if it is about things to do with future workloads and systems, please have a conversation with them about the union, and what we can do to support them.

If you are comfortable organising a meeting with your team to discuss how to safeguard yourselves from these issues, please email .

Throughout everything that has been happening, the CPSU NSW has been by your side, fighting for your rights and conditions. But we can only do that with your help. Talk to a colleague about joining the union – the more people involved, the stronger the union.

They can join at


Alister Wareing
Kate Brown
Liam Orchard
Ellie Williams
Kassie Dmitrieff
David Herd
Joe Holloway

PSA contacts

Susan Emery CPSU NSW Industrial Officer
Kirra Jackson CPSU NSW Organiser

Member Support Centre 1300 772 679

United we bargain, divided we beg.