
Thursday, 10 September 2020

The Benevolent Society: CPSU NSW lodges its log of claims

Three Years On – Sept 2020 (PDF version)

The transfer of Ageing Disability and Home Care (ADHC) to The Benevolent Society (TBS) on 31 July 2017 was the first of the disability services to be privatised. This was done more than three years ago and bargaining for a new Enterprise Agreement (EA) to replace the copied State Award has commenced. TBS proposed to have one EA to cover all its employees. The most recent bargaining meeting was on Thursday, 10 September, 2020.

To begin the process, the CPSU NSW lodged its log of claims to TBS (click HERE). In reply, TBS proposed a draft classification structure (click HERE), proposed areas of inclusion (click HERE) and response to the CPSU NSW’s log of claims (click HERE).

In responding to the CPSU NSW, TBS rejected many of the union’s claims. Among the things TBS do not agree with are:

  • The maintenance of all existing employment conditions in the copied State Award;
  • The establishment of a JCC;
  • The current flexible working arrangements. TBS proposes ADOs or RDOs;
  • The ordinary hours of operation from 7:00am to 7:00pm. TBS proposes to change this from 6:00am to 10:00pm – noting shift penalties;
  • The transfer of salary’s hourly rate from the copied State Award to the new EA. TBS proposes to maintain the transferred staff’s current rates of pay. Open to discussions re pay rises;
  • The access to paid union leave for members to attend training provided by the union.

These are just few of the claims rejected by outright by TBS. There are many more in the attachments above. Read them carefully and give us your thoughts about what conditions are important to you by completing the survey monkey below.

Your input is valuable as the CPSU NSW continues to bargain for a new EA.

CPSU Organisers can be contacted if you have any questions or require clarification.

Cora Sarmiento
Tony Hay
Shane Elliott

Alternatively, please contact the member support at or 1300 772 679.


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