
Friday, 22 May 2020

CPSU NSW – TAFE NSW Restructures

The CPSU NSW believes that it is ill-advised of TAFE NSW to proceed with its restructuring of BD International, People & Safety Recruitment and ICT while NSW faces an uncertain economic future.

As communicated by the Managing Director in the Friday at Five (1 May 2020), TAFE will be proceeding with the placement process for each restructure.

The CPSU will now be working closely with TAFE IR across each restructure to ensure the organisation stays true to its word and matches as many employees to roles as possible. Where matching does not occur we will assist members into suitable duties.

The CPSU also commits to work with TAFE to ensure no member will be made forcibly redundant until such time the NSW economy and jobs market fully recovers.

There have been a number of member queries in relation to the MD’s Friday Five newsletter, so the following information is for clarification:

Redeployment v suitable duties

When a position is declared excess as part of a restructure the Managing Excess Employees policy applies and employees are entitled to a VR or redeployment. Since TAFE is only proceeding with the placement processes for each restructure at this time, no-one will be declared excess, so there will not presently be an option of VR or redeployment. Instead, TAFE will look at finding suitable alternative work for those who are not matched to a new role for the duration of the COVID-19 situation.

If an individual is unsuccessful in the placement process and seeks to take a VR now (rather than commence suitable duties) then please contact the union – we can look at this option for you.

What does this mean for temporary staff?

Information we have obtained from the organisational design and change team provides the following TAFE NSW staff mix:

Business Development International (BDI) there are approximately 45 employees impacted of which 67% (30) are permanent and 33% (15) are temporary; and

People & Safety Services (P&SS) Recruitment there are approximately 40 employees impacted of which 90% (36) are permanent and 10% (4) are temporary.

CPSU can confirm that any temporary employees who do not secure a role in Steps 1 – 3 of the Placement Process will NOT have the temporary position they occupy made redundant and so will not forcibly be retrenched.

In other words, they will be treated in the same way as permanent employees that don’t secure a role during the Placement Process, so will not have their position declared excess and will not be made forcibly redundant.

Not a member of the CPSU? Join the union HERE.


Industrial Officer
Matthew Drake-Brockman

Shane Jobberns

Chris Bird

Your CPSU NSW delegates

South Region

Brad Cowie

Regina Kimmich

Chris Pickering

Christopher Hobbins

West Region

Leanne Riley

Patricia Nethery

North Region

Gale Iseppi

Tighes Hill
Liz Garlick

Stephen O’Brien

Coffs Harbour
Brook Down

Walter Upson

Sydney Region

Dawn Davis

George Bissoli

Simon Gray

St Leonards
Joe Harris

Patrick Kiss

Western Sydney Region

Tracey Doyle

Joanna Carroll

Blue Mountains
Glenda Pryor

Isabella Ramirra

TAFE Digital

Jin Cho