
Friday, 20 March 2020

Southern Cross University COVID-19 update

COVID-19 update – March 2020 (PDF version)

This is a difficult time for all members and it is falling on staff, particularly Professional Staff, to carry the brunt of keeping the university campuses open and operating for students.

The CPSU NSW has been pressuring the university to instigate proper consultation with the CPSU NSW about the ongoing pandemic and the university’s response. Unfortunately, we even had to speak to the media to pressure the university to listen to staff concerns. Footage can be viewed HERE. We will always be the voice for Professional Staff at SCU.

Thankfully, the university has listened and will now be convening weekly meetings of the Joint Consultative Forum. This is a forum that includes both management and union representation where we can raise issues on your behalf.

If you have any questions or concerns about your working conditions or your health and safety during the pandemic, please let your delegate know.

You also always have access to the CPSU Member Support Centre on 1300 772679 or (02) 9220 0900.

Some initial issues we will be raising include:

  • An ongoing commitment to keep casuals employed and paid
  • Access to special leave for those required to isolate or quarantine themselves
  • Ongoing pay for staff in the event of a shutdown
  • The standard of cleaning in potentially infected areas
  • The health and safety processes in public-facing areas such as the library and student services.

Join the CPSU NSW

Now is the time to get colleagues involved in the union. Please ask them to join HERE so their voice can be heard, too.

CPSU NSW contacts

Your Delegates
Toni Ledgerwood:
Shelley Odewahn:
Luke Davis:
Marnya Flanagan:
Sharlene King:
Alex Parks:
Peter Corr:

Northern Region Organiser
Asren Pugh

Industrial Officer
Anne Kennelly