Device Use – March 2020 (PDF version)
Members have approached the CSPU NSW expressing concerns in relation to TAFE’s introduction of the myGovID, how this will interact with TAFE processes, and in particular the direction to staff to use their own private/personal device to initiate the myGovID.
On 26 February TAFE emailed all staff directing “authorised AUSkey users are to create the myGovID account by 2 March 2020.”
On 4 March the union wrote to TAFE IR seeking clarity on the process, including a number questions.
We emphasised the union’s initial position that TAFE staff should not be expected to provide personal devices to do their job.
TAFE has not yet responded.
We are aware that a number of members who are authorised AUSkey users do not feel comfortable creating a myGovID from their personal mobile phone and have held out on creating a MyGovID from their personal smart phones.
The CPSU NSW supports and directs those members to continue to hold out on using your personal smart phone to create a myGovID despite what TAFE management tells you.
Once TAFE has provided responses to our questions we will come back to members with further advice.
Join your union!
Members – please consider forwarding this bulletin to non-member colleagues, placing it in notice boards and distributing in your workplace.
Industrial Officer
Matthew Drake-Brockman
Shane Jobberns
Chris Bird
Your CPSU NSW delegates
South Region
West Region
North Region
Sydney Region
Western Sydney Region
Isabella Ramirra – Strathfield
TAFE Digital