
Friday, 20 December 2019

Training you in 2020

Training EoY – Dec 2019 (PDF version)

It’s been a busy and wonderful year for our training unit. We’ve run courses all over NSW, from Nowra to Tamworth to Coffs Harbour, and many other spots. We have had the privilege of meeting members and delegates from across the public sector, all doing incredible work in their areas, and we can’t wait to do more to help you build power in your workplaces.

The training schedule for the first half of 2020 is up on our website now. Click HERE.

The courses available are now divided into three different streams, to make it easier for you to work through what you’re interested in:

  • Delegate/Activist Development
  • Work, Health and Safety
  • New Skills and Knowledge

Once you have selected the course you’re interested in and a suitable date, you can register online HERE.

Remember most members have access to 12 days of paid trade union training leave (special leave) every two years.

If you have any questions about the training, please don’t hesitate to contact us at .

If you’ve participated in a course this year, thank you for coming along. If we haven’t seen you yet, we’re looking forward to training you in 2020.

Yours in Solidarity,

Mary Jo, Suzanne and John