
Wednesday, 4 December 2019

TAFE restructure update

Urgent TAFE restructure update – Dec 2019 (PDF version)

The CPSU NSW reported to members on Monday 2 December that the Conciliation Conference before the Fair Work Commission held last Friday 29 November 2019 was unable to provide a satisfactory resolution to the restructure dispute. This Bulletin can be read HERE.

Late Monday afternoon the CPSU NSW received an offer from TAFE NSW in attempt to resolve the dispute. Unfortunately, this offer did not address any of the concerns raised by the CPSU on behalf of its members, particularly the lack of consultation, the impact on members who are not being made redundant, the timing of the redundancies and the lack of detail or incorrect detail being given to affected staff. Therefore, the CSPU NSW filed an application with the FWC on Tuesday 3 December 2019 seeking an urgent hearing.

This matter has been listed for hearing for 9.00am Thursday 5 December 2019 before Deputy President Catanzariti.

Our advice to members continues to be to not respond to any offers of Voluntary Redundancy until after week’s hearings in the Commission, which will hopefully at the minimum provide new and more appropriate timeframes for consultation to occur. The CPSU NSW will provide members of the outcome of these proceedings later this week so that no member’s rights are adversely impacted by not immediately responding..


  1. Talk to your workmates about what is happening.
  2. Contact the CPSU NSW’s Member Support Centre on 1300 772 679 to organise a members meeting
  3. Share this Bulletin with other TAFE staff.
  4. Join the CPSU NSW HERE.


Industrial Manager
Anne Kennelly

Shane Jobberns

Chris Bird

Your CPSU NSW Delegates

South Region

Brad Cowie – Wollongong

Robert Wurth – Illawarra

Regina Kimmich – Illawarra

Chris Pickering – Illawarra

Christopher Hobbins – Albury

 West Region

Leanne Riley – Parkes

Patricia Nethery – Dubbo

North Region

Gale Iseppi – Hunter

Liz Garlick – Tighes Hill

Stephen O’Brien – Newcastle

Brook Down – Coffs Harbour

Garry Smith – North

Sydney Region

Dawn Davis – Ultimo

George Bissoli – Ultimo

Simon Gray – Ultimo

Joe Harris – St Leonards

Patrick Kiss – Hornsby

Western Sydney Region

Tracey Doyle – Campbelltown

Joanna Carroll – West Sydney

Glenda Pryor – Blue Mountains

Isabella Ramirra – Strathfield

Jin Cho – TAFE Digital