New permanent employment contracts binding for transferred FACS casual and temporary – October 2019
Transferred FACS casual and temporary who have accepted permanent full time or part-time employment with Aruma are not required to forfeit permanency when reverting back to the Community Living Award 2015 (the Copied State Award).
Transferred staff who were made to reapply for jobs with Aruma at the conclusion of their employment guarantee period are now able to revert back to the correct industrial instrument, the Community Living Award.
In the process of re-engaging the transferred staff on new employment contracts, Aruma mistakenly applied their own enterprise agreement rather than the more beneficial Community Living Award 2015.
The CPSU NSW identified the error and wrote to ARUMA in March 2019 alerting them to the mistake.
Early in September Aruma wrote to our lawyers to confirm the staff would receive back pay. Transferred staff should also retain their existing work arrangements including their substantive hours and permanent rostered shifts (lines).
Aruma has assured the CPSU that no staff will be disadvantaged and our legal advice supports our position.
We thank Aruma for its actions.
Do you a have claim, or know someone who does?
If you or your colleague was a casual or temporary employee transferred from FACS and re-employed by Aruma on new employment conditions, chances are you’ve got a legitimate claim for back pay.
Contact us on 1300 772 679 and we’ll get working on your matter.
Note: our industrial services are only available to union members.
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