Temp vacancies – Aug 2019 (PDF version)
In May, more than two months ago, the CPSU NSW issued to members a bulletin about the work intensification issues arising across the organisation. This was a result of TAFENSW not filling positions once they became vacant.
The union’s view remains that any position which becomes vacant is a fully funded position and needs to be filled. If TAFE refuses to fill a vacant position it is effectively undertaking a mini restructure the organisation – and in refusing to fill vacant positions the burden is effectively falling on remaining staff to pick up leftover duties from vacated roles.
This is an unacceptable situation which places staff under additional pressure and stress.
As stated in the May bulletin, we sought and received a commitment from TAFENSW at the May Peak Consultative Group that it would communicate to local managers to say they should recruit into vacant roles to address the issue, and the pending organisational restructure should not be an impediment to recruitment.
Now, however, more than two months later with no communication and a pending restructure, CPSU NSW is hearing more and more stories from members about how local management is either refusing to fill vacant roles, or it seems, local managers’ applications for recruitment into vacant roles are being rejected by more senior management.
Either way, the issue of vacant roles not being filled continues to affect our members.
It is not only unreasonable to staff that TAFE is not filling vacancies. It has the effect of diminishing the student experience overall.
To that end, the union wants to hear your story – how you have been impacted by local management not filling vacancies – and how you believe your local situation is negatively impacting the student experience.
So, if you are experiencing additional work pressures or stressors as a result of management not filling vacant role within your unit – we are asking you to contact the Union (quoting #120067) to tell us about your local situation.
All information received will be dealt with confidentially.
In the interim if you believe you are being expected to carry the load of a vacant position and associated duties – you have the right and will be supported by the union, not to do them. If it’s unclear ask your supervisor for your Position Description and call the union.
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Unite we bargain, divided we beg!
South Region
Brad Cowie – Wollongong
West Region
Leanne Riley – Parkes
North Region
Gale Iseppi – Hunter
Sydney Region
Dawn Davis – Ultimo
Western Sydney Region