Northcott float frontline job cuts to ‘stay viable’
Northcott has presented staff with plans to overhaul its operating model to cut costs and shed frontline disability services jobs.
The proposal is the latest in a series of business reorganisation’s occurring across the industry, as private providers put the squeeze on staff to cover funding gaps and remain ‘viable.’
In November 2017 Northcott took control of around 107 group homes and 1200 staff from the Department of Family and Community Services in a deal with the NSW Government to privatise disability services.
The CPSU NSW campaigned against the privatisation, arguing the transfer would be used as a Trojan horse to attack employment conditions and ultimately reduce the availability and quality of services.
Now, as predicted, yet another private sector provider has approached us with plans to cut jobs and slash the pay of frontline disability services staff.
Abolishing the position of Manager Accommodation and Respite (MAR).
If implemented, the restructure will result in an exodus of expertise and put enormous pressure on the business to maintain standards and quality of care.
Members are encouraged to contact the CPSU NSW for advice and assistance (see contact details below). We will provide further information as it becomes available.
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