CPSU NSW and Northcott JCC – May 28 2019 (pdf version)
In this update
On Wednesday 29 May 2019, CPSU-NSW met with Northcott for the Joint Consultative Committee (JCC) meeting to discuss matters commonly affecting union members working for Northcott. Your Northcott CPSU NSW Delegates, supported by the union’s industrial staff, attended the JCC in the Parramatta office to represent you and your fellow members’ interests.
The JCC is an ongoing consultative committee where union members at Northcott are able to discuss issues with management regarding workplace matters of mutual and common interest. It is the required avenue for formal consultation and is a feature of your Copied State Award that continues to apply after your transfer from ADHC.
Attending the JCC for the employer and employees were:
1. Unpaid breaks
Consultation on breaks
Members have again raised that there has been limited feedback to some Group Home concerns raised during the consultation periods. This is an ongoing issue that will require review before and after the implementation of the unpaid breaks.
The commitment to ongoing consultation with staff, members and the union was again affirmed at the JCC meeting with reviews being held already.
If the breaks are in your Group Home, consultation and review will be ongoing. If you have concerns, please advise your Union or Northcott to allow case by case review.
If you are unable to leave the premises for your unpaid break you must provide a reason why not. If this occurs regularly, raise the issue and the break for review.
2. NDIS Quality and Safeguarding Commission
a. Changes
The NDIS Q&S Commission has brought about changes within the sector. Some of these changes have a direct impact on Disability Support Workers and their responsibilities.
b. NDIS Code of Conduct
Part of the changes include the release of the NDIS Code of Conduct. The Code of Conduct outlines expectations and responsibilities for staff and providers and is accessible on the NDIS website. https://www.ndiscommission.gov.au/workers/ndis-code-conduct
Northcott has advised it is working on training relating to the NDIS Q&S Commission and the NDIS Code of Conduct. The CPSU NSW strongly advises you all to take part and be active participants in the training.
Union access
The CPSU NSW has been in discussions with Northcott relating to access to members and potential members as with the transfer the rules changed.
We are working towards a mutually beneficial approach that will provide you the contact and access to your union that you deserve while reducing the chances of disputation.
Respite restructure
Northcott has advised the CPSU NSW and held meetings with affected respite staff about the intention of consolidating four respite group homes to better utilise staff and resources and to increase the available options for clients and families.
There is no loss of staff or hours and impacted staff have been asked to provide preferences if they have any. There will be a list of lines available to allow for informed decisions of impacted staff.
Conditions of employment
Filling of shifts
Agency staff are to be a last resort.
If you are in a Group Home where agency staff are being given shifts before permanent and casual staff, please provide information to your Delegates or Organiser so we can follow this up.
It is in breach of the Rostering Principals and not in Northcott’s financial interest. We need examples of Group Homes which have a high incident of Agency Staff being used to fix the issue. This will be done collectively by Group Home.
Swapping shifts and leave
Swapping of shifts and applying for leave are outlined in policies and the CLA.
If you are wanting to swap a shift, it should be looked at favourably if it is a “same for same” swap. If you are swapping a shifts of the length within a roster period, it can be requested as needed. There is no minimum notice period.
If you are applying for annual/recreation leave, then providing four-week notice is a respectful starting point. To provide a reasonable amount of time for your Team Leader to cover your hours, the more notice the better. There should be an understanding that this may not always be the case but the goal.
The dates for this year’s JCC meetings are every three months.
14 August 2019
20 November 2019
If you have any industrial issues you believe should be raised by the CPSU NSW at the next JCC, please forward details to your delegate or by writing to .
If you don’t have a local Delegate and would like to become more involved with the CPSU NSW and your workplace, please contact your CPSU NSW Organiser or the Member Support Centre on 1300 772 679
Ask your colleagues to stand with you by joining CPSU NSW today. They can JOIN ONLINE at HERE
Trevor Coughran
If you want an Organiser to attend your team meetings, please email or