
Wednesday, 6 March 2019

CPSU NSW and Northcott Joint Consultative Committee (JCC) meeting

CPSU NSW and Northcott Joint Consultative Committee (JCC) meeting – March 2019 (PDF version)

In this update

  1. Unpaid Break
  2. Consultation on breaks
  3. Concerns around amenities
  4. Conditions of employment
  5. Increase to core hours
  6. Rostering principles and filling shifts
  7. Staff Support Meal Claim

On Wednesday 27 February 2019, CPSU-NSW met with Northcott for the Joint Consultative Committee (JCC) meeting to discuss matters commonly affecting Union members working for Nothcott. Your Northcott CPSU-NSW Delegates, supported by the Union’s industrial staff, attended the JCC in the Parramatta office to represent you and your fellow members’ interests.

The JCC is an ongoing consultative committee where Union members at Northcott are able to discuss issues with management regarding workplace matters of mutual and common interest. It is the required avenue for formal consultation and is a feature of your Copied State Award that continues to apply after your Transfer from ADHC.

Attending the JCC for the employer and employees were:

  • CPSU-NSW Representatives; Delegates Trevor Coughran and John Williams; with Industrial Officer Graydon Welsh and Organiser Shane Elliot
  • Management Representatives: Stefania Morisio; Belinda Magritzer and Glenn Tyrell
  1. Unpaid Breaks

  2. a) Consultation on breaks

Northcott have given the CPSU-NSW a commitment to follow through with genuine and meaningful consultation and on-going review. This includes Northcott seeking advice from allied health professionals to the safety of introducing the breaks.

The commitment to ongoing consultation with staff, members and the union was again affirmed at the February JCC meeting. Northcott stated that they have undergone consultation and reviews of 17 Group Homes and have advised that 11 Group Homes have implemented the unpaid breaks with 6 Group Homes due to implement at the next roster, 21 March 2019.

If the breaks are in your Group Home, consultation and review will be on-going. If you have concerns, please advise your Union or Northcott to allow case by case review.

If you have genuine concerns about the introduction of breaks and the impact they may have on your clients or your own health and safety, put it in writing and provide it to:

  • your Union, and
  • your Team Leader, CAR or MAR.
  1. b) Concerns with Amenities

Amenities are a big concern. With many Group Homes being in residential areas there’s limited, if any, chance to get out to a café or local shop.

And staying on site may lead to residents interrupting your break and a feeling of not being able to “get away” from the worksite.

This is a muddy issue as in some Group Homes, there may be times and area’s that allow the separation needed to have a true “break” from work. In many, there won’t be. This issue will need to be tackled on a case by case basis. If there’s reasons you are unable to take a true, separated break, let your Team Leader, Northcott and Union know.

With the introduction of unpaid breaks, you are entitled to leave the premises if you choose. As Northcott are advising the reason for the introduction of the breaks is due to concerns for your health and wellbeing, being able to get away from the work environment and separate from the working environment is key.

2.Conditions of Employment

  1. a) Increase to Core Hours

Northcott have advised that they’re currently going through a recruitment process to fill vacant hours and are using this to not increase contracted hours for current staff. If you have requested a permanent increase in hours and have been declined due to being on the CLA, please notify us by email.

  1. b) Rostering Principles

Your CPSU-NSW raised the concerns of many members that agency staff are being brought in before the hours are being offered to permanent and casual staff.

The filling of shifts must be in line with the rostering principals.

If there are short term vacancies, not exceeding 5 days, add hours are to be offered to permanent and/or temporary part-time employees, then casuals at normal rates, then overtime.

If you have been declined an application to increase your core hours with vacant hours due to being on the Community Living Award, or you are or know agency staff who are getting ‘add hours’ in preference to you, please provide a written statement to us outlining what occurred to

As with the unpaid breaks, the more information you provide to your Union, the more we can fix.

  1. c) Staff Support Meal Claim

Your Delegates raised concerns around a lack of clarity on what can be claimed and that at times, there’s insufficient petty cash kept on-site to repay the expense.

We have requested Northcott consult on and develop a policy and procedure to provide clarity and consistency to the claims. We need to provide information to how we see the policy working. If you have some ideas on how that policy could work, please provide us feedback.

Northcott have requested that any concern around a lack of petty cash be raised with your Team Leader, MAR or CAR as this can have a significant impact on the Group Homes. If you are unable to get an outcome from them, please email the CPSU-NSW.

The dates for next year’s JCC meetings are every 3 months.

  • 15 May 2019,
  • 14 August 2019,
  • 20 November 2019

If you have any industrial issues you believe should be raised by the CPSU NSW at the next JCC, please forward details to your delegate or by writing to

If you don’t have a local Delegate and would like to become more involved with the CPSU NSW and your workplace, please contact your CPSU NSW Organiser or the Member Support Centre on 1300 772 679

Ask your colleagues to stand with you by joining CPSU NSW today. They can JOIN ONLINE at


John Williams –

Trevor Coughran –

Chris Chant –

Prince Gonzales –


Shane Elliott, , 0499 799 011

If you want an Organiser to attend your team meetings, please email or