
Wednesday, 13 February 2019

The Benevolent Society – Intentions to restructure

The Benevolent Society – Intentions to restructure – February 2019 (PDGF version)

The CPSU NSW has been advised by members that The Benevolent Society (TBS) has sent around some information outlining their proposed “new operating model” for Benevolent Australia: Disability Services after the two-year transfer guarantee expires.

The CPSU-NSW reminds you that all transferred staff are still within the two-year employment guarantee and TBS cannot change your terms and conditions of employment.

The two-year employment guarantee means TBS cannot “restructure” you out or into another arm of TBS, without your consent. Unless you agree, your employment must stay within Benevolent Australia: Disability Services.

The information provided by TBS to all staff indicates their intention to restructure as soon as the two-year period expires. The two-year guarantee ends on 31 July 2019.

Your employment cannot simply be terminated at the end of the two-year period.

You cannot just be fired

TBS may be able to redeploy staff to other areas of TBS or offer redundancies. It CANNOT simply end your employment.

Your CPSU NSW will be fighting for honest and transparent, genuine and meaningful consultation on any changes made to your working conditions. This includes moving any roles and positions between services in TBS. You have a right to be genuinely heard and considered by TBS before any changes.

Your terms and conditions will continue under the Copied State Award until an Enterprise Agreement is negotiated or other Fair Work Act transfer conditions are met. This can include assurances of conditions of up to five years from the date of transfer.

Your CPSU NSW is looking at ways to secure your employment, reduce the pressure and workload and maintain your conditions after the two-year period and into the future of TBS. Transferred employees are in a unique situation as you are currently covered by Copied State Awards and The Fair Work Act.

To make the biggest difference, your CPSU NSW needs you to be involved, active, vocal and vigilant. The stronger the union presence, the better the outcome for all.

If you feel that you are being forced, pressured or bullied into changing roles, or moving to a new position before the end of the two-year guarantee period, contact the CPSU NSW on 1300 772 679 and quote Call Number: 111132

What can I do in the meantime?

  • Discuss with workmates from other parts of TBS the potential to raise conditions by joining their union and standing together.
  • Discuss your union and what it means to you and your workmates with family friends and colleagues.
  • Attend CPSU NSW meetings and ask questions. Speak to your Delegate or check your local CPSU NSW notice board for dates.
  • Support the work of the CPSU NSW and your local delegates by asking your colleagues to JOIN their union.