
Friday, 26 October 2018

CPSU NSW seeks clarity on WC&P change process

CPSU NSW seeks clarity on WC&P change process – October 2018 (PDF version)

The CPSU NSW has today written to WaterNSW to seek clarity in relation to the change management process occurring in Water Catchment and Protection (WC&P).

Currently WaterNSW employees are covered by a range of industrial instruments depending on which entity they were employed with prior to the establishment of the Corporation.

The union recently received inquiries from affected staff, critical of the Corporation’s approach to consultation, the lack of detailed information relevant to the management of affected employees, and concerned about the potential for unnecessary and unfair job losses.

Staff have also expressed reservations about the merit and design of the proposed new operating structure, in particular the potential to leave water management in regional NSW under resourced.

The CPSU NSW will meet with WaterNSW on 2 November and expect to receive further information from the Corporation prior to that meeting.

Members are welcome to contact your CPSU NSW delegate or our Senior Industrial Officer, Thane Pearce via email at

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