
Monday, 22 October 2018

Land Registry Services – Your union is working for you post-privatisation

Land Registry Services – Your union is working for you post-privatisation – October 2018 (PDF version)

It has now been 12 months since the NSW Government privatised LPI. Your union campaigned hard, and ensured that you received the best possible conditions in the transfer, including a 4-year employment guarantee.

Although you are no longer NSW public service employees, the PSA/CPSU NSW is still the union that covers you, and we are working as hard as ever to stand up for your rights at work.

Your PSA/CPSU NSW negotiated awards transferred with you to LRS as “copied state instruments”. This means that all of your conditions, fought for and won by your Union, remain in place.

You can get to know your entitlements by downloading a copy of the Award HERE.

You can also download a copy of the Flex Agreement HERE.

Since the transfer, PSA/CPSU NSW Delegates and Industrial Staff have been meeting with LRS management monthly to discuss concerns raised by members. This has included the office relocation, restructures, electronic lodgement, recruitment process, and access to leave. We will continue to meet regularly, and will keep you updated.

Some of the more contentious issues raised by members are around reports of staff being directed to take their long service leave, and of staff who have been asked to perform work well below their classification level.

You should know that PSA/CPSU NSW have expressed to LRS management that we do not agree with their actions in either regard. However, the federal industrial relations system is quite complex, and much of what is currently happening at LRS is unchartered territory. For this reason we are currently seeking legal advice on both of these issues.

Remember- when you are in the union, you are never alone. You are entitled to take a support person when you meet with management. We will have more information on this in the next bulletin. In the meantime, if you have an issue at work you can contact your PSA/CPSU NSW Delegates or Industrial Staff below:

Matthew Brooks

Rachel Tribe

Lynette Severino

Sharon Achmad

Phyllis Schinella

PSA/CPSU NSW Member Support- 1300 772 679.