ACTU Secretary, Sally McManus will be the key note speaker at a rally in Wollongong Mall on Tuesday, 23 October 2018 at 12:00pm.
PSA and CPSU NSW members are strongly encouraged to attend the rally and support the peak union body’s call for changes to our workplace laws to give working people more power in negotiations over pay and conditions.
Members can meet at the PSA office at 11.45am at 104 Crown Street, Unit 13 and then walk to the rally at 11.55am.
It’s about a 50 metre walk and bags can be locked safely in the office.
With a federal election expected anytime between now and May 2019, the ACTU is stepping up its campaign for a fairer Australia.
“Inequality in our country is the worst it has been for 70 years and 679 of our biggest corporations pay not one cent of tax.”
“Our bargaining laws are inadequate and unable to deal with the new and ever changing business models being adopted by the big end of town.
“Now, the Fair Work Commission makes decisions to cut the wages and conditions of some of our lowest paid workers.
The mechanisms we have had to improve our living standards are no longer working.
“In short, the very wealthy have too much power in our country and ordinary Australians – working people – do not have enough” Ms McManus said.
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United we bargain, divided we beg!