
Friday, 12 October 2018

The Benevolent Society – Round table feedback

The Benevolent Society – Round table feedback – October 2018 (PDF version)

Your CPSU NSW has considered the proposed “Round Table” meeting put forward by The Benevolent Society and has provided some feedback to them. See attached letter HERE.

The CPSU NSW has been party to many different typed of consultative arrangements from local meetings with Team Leaders and management to Peak Consultative Meeting with Department Heads, CEO’s, Employer Associations and other Unions involved in workplaces.

Having consultative meetings between employees, employers and associated groups is beneficial for all involved. It can allow for honest, true and meaningful exchanges of information to improve the services provided to the client and other stakeholders. Having access to the true decision makers, the Department Heads, the CEOs, shows that the organisation is open to honest and genuine collaborative work.

The CPSU NSW continues to pursue the terms and conditions of employment prior to the transfer for our members. This included a consultative arrangement between the CPSU NSW and, prior to transfer, the Department. Since the transfer The Benevolent Society continued the same arrangements. The CPSU NSW has requested that the pre-transfer consultative arrangements continue in conjunction with the proposed “Round Table”.

What can I do in the meantime?

  • Discuss your union and what it means to you and your workmates with family friends and colleagues.
  • support the work of the CPSU NSW and your local delegates by asking your colleagues to JOIN their union.