Australian Unity Enterprise Bargaining update – August 2018 (PDF version)
Since our last bulletin on 27 July 2018 the CPSU NSW have met with Australian Unity and United Voice to continue bargaining. Australian Unity has provided its log of claims and a proposed Enterprise Agreement. The CPSU NSW also provided a log claims informed by the significant response we received from you as members.
Click HERE to see the AU proposed enterprise agreement.
Click HERE to see the CPSU NSW log of claims.
The most significant changes that have been proposed by AU:
The CPSU NSW is disappointed to see despite assurances that the ordinary hours of Administrative Workers would remain the same, Australian Unity has proceeded to propose changes. It is concerning that it is attempting to make changes to your hours of work but also remove your flex time.
Even more concerning is AU’s proposal that Administrative and Care Workers forego their existing redundancy provisions for the bare minimum. Both unions have expressed their dissatisfaction.
There was a strong response from members in the survey about the scope of the agreement. Overwhelmingly members have shown that they do not want a combined agreement with Care Workers.
Australian Unity has maintained its current position of combining the employment conditions. Rest assured, the CPSU NSW is actively advocating for the scope of the agreement to only include Administrative workers and will exhaust all options including taking the matter to the Fair Work Commission if necessary. However, in order to utilise the Fair Work Commission, we need to engage in bargaining on the issue.
On the 5 September 2018 the next enterprise bargaining meeting is scheduled. It has been agreed to negotiate the scope of the agreement and the hours of work. To ensure your voices are heard in these negotiations we encourage you to provide feedback on what has been proposed by Australian Unity. Please email any feedback to , or you can call 1300 772 679.