CPSU NSW Mental Health Conference
9 October 2018
(Registration from 9am)
PSA House
160 Clarence Street
The conference theme is Time to Act, with focus on the workplace as a source of both mental health stressors and mental health support.
There will be keynote speakers and workshops over the course of the day.
Speakers include:
- Carmel Tebbutt, CEO, Mental Health Coordinating Council – opening address
- Craig Hamilton, Mental Health Advocate, ABC Presenter – keynote speaker
- Dr Carlo Caponecchia, UNSW, speaking on bullying
- SafeWork NSW speaking on Work Health and Wellbeing and Bullying prevention and response services
Registration link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/PSAmentalhealthconf2018
Registration closes on Friday 7 September 2018 or earlier if filled prior.