
Tuesday, 10 July 2018

University of Newcastle Enterprise Bargaining update

University of Newcastle Bargaining update – July 2018 (PDF version)

Your Union met with management on the 5th July to continue negotiating the new Enterprise Agreement.

We can report that during the meeting the following clauses were discussed.

Dispute Resolution

Management has provided updated wording for the dispute resolution clause, and this is close to agreement, however, there are issues relating to Inquiry Officer and Committees of Inquiry which are still outstanding.


The Flexibility Clause was returned to the table, with the changes negotiated by your union. We have reached In-Principle agreement on this clause.

Staff Development

The Staff Development clause has been moved to next week’s meeting. As we reported last week, we are close to agreement on this.


Management has tabled their Probation clause. We are not in agreement with the majority of the suggested changes indicated in the clause, as it intends to remove appeal processes that we have negotiated in previous agreements to protect staff rights. We also have issues with the ability of management to change the goal posts at any time during the probation period. This clause is currently parked.

Organisational Change

The revised Organisational Change clause was the next clause tabled by Management. We find the changes proposed unacceptable and question why these are required as the current processes are working.

Your representatives recognise that this is a key clause, particularly in the current environment and will be negotiating to ensure the conditions and intent of the current clause are retained. This clause is currently parked however we will be meeting again next week, to see if we can progress matters further

Although we have tabled all of our claims, the other parties still have outstanding matters. Given that we have been bargaining for over a year now, we are disappointed that not all claims have been brought to the table and have requested that management in particular bring a list of their outstanding matters to the table for the next meeting.

At the end of the negotiation you will be asked to vote on the package and we want that to be an informed and deliberate vote by staff whose working lives are covered by the Agreement. Ask your colleagues to stand with you by JOINING CPSU NSW today.

UoN Professional Staff representatives

Sue Freeman

Lyn Keily

Stephen Hopkins

CPSU NSW staff

Phoebe Dangerfield

Ron Hunter

Please note:
CPSU NSW members are also members of the Public Service Association of NSW. The PSA is the Associated Body for, and resources and manages, the CPSU NSW.