
Wednesday, 4 July 2018

Australian Unity Enterprise Agreement

Australian Unity Enterprise Agreement – July 2018 (PDF version)

The CPSU NSW was notified on 28 June 2018 that Australian Unity had served notice to its employees of its intent to commence enterprise bargaining. In doing so it has asked its employees if they would like to nominate a bargaining representative.

As a union member, the CPSU NSW is automatically your bargaining representative. Therefore you do not need to nominate a bargaining representative. However, if you specifically notify Australian Unity you would like to nominate someone else as your bargaining representative the CPSU NSW would no longer be your bargaining representative.

This now means that the terms and conditions under which you transferred to Australian Unity, the Crown Employees (Home Care Service of NSW – Administrative Staff) Award 2012 are up for negotiation, for an enterprise agreement to then be made. As your union, the CPSU NSW will be involved in these negotiations representing your interests.

On the CPSU NSW bargaining team there will be three representatives from the delegates that you as members have elected. These delegates are:

  • Tania Shipman
  • Loretta Wilson
  • Jyotsna Chaudhary

For many of you coming from the NSW Public Sector this is a completely new process, it is important for you to remain engaged and get those who are not members to join. The strength that the CPSU NSW has in these negotiations comes from the members, the more members there are the stronger we are.

The first bargaining meeting will be occurring on 24 July 2018. The CPSU NSW will keep members updated throughout the process.

If you have any questions please send them to .