Coal Services Pty Ltd – Wolves in sheep’s clothing – June 2018 (PDF version)
On Wednesday 27 June, CPSU NSW received a 19-page change proposal document authorised by Narelle Caldwell, General Manger, CMI.
We understand this document was also sent to all Coal Services Pty Ltd (CSPL) staff. The document was sent after the union and your delegates had gone to great lengths with CSPL representatives to identify and work through a range of outstanding issues on the proposed restructure. At our last meeting (22 June) CSPL representatives indicated to us that they would need to seek advice from the senior executive before proceeding further with discussions as they were unable to answer our questions. CSPL and the union agreed to reconvene on Thursday 28 June, to continue discussions. However, and despite our agreement, the executive sent the change proposal directly to staff.
The CPSU NSW has previously filed a dispute with CSPL in relation to the lack of information and consultation with staff and the union on proposed workplace changes. We have continually reminded CSPL of its legal obligation to consult in a manner consistent with clause 36 of the Coal Services Enterprise Agreement, 2017.
CSPL’s blatant disregard of enterprise agreement is a slap in the face to the workforce and those affected in the current restructure. During the meeting on Friday 22 June, the CPSU raised concerns with the advertising of Group 1 job applications. Final Position Descriptions for all other jobs had not yet been finalised. CPSL gave the union an undertaking the PDs would be finalised, with staff feedback, no later than Monday 25 June. CPSL also undertook to highlight any significant changes to the draft PDs, to demonstrate, where relevant, why staff should not be directly appointed to like roles in the new structure.
To the astonishment of the CPSU, the PDs were released yesterday Thursday 27 June, with now new qualifications required to meet the criteria. The CPSL has never demonstrated any significant changes prior to this outrageous change to the position descriptions.
The union has now notified the Fair Work Commission of a dispute with CPSL regarding the lack of consultation and information. This includes changes to position descriptions.
We appreciate this is a very stressful time for members and we have continually impressed upon CSPL how important it is to support and reassure its workforce. It is unfortunate, that this has fallen on deaf ears.
CPSU NSW will be at Woonona on Monday 2 July, 11.30 am. Followed by Singleton on Tuesday 3 July at 9.30am, and Speers Point at 1.30pm.
In the interim, feel free to speak to your Delegates (Kellie Berry and Brooke Heterick) or contact Organiser, Ian Braithwaite (0400 859 630) or Acting Industrial Officer, Maryanne Stuart (0437 898 020).
Join the CPSU NSW online HERE.