
Tuesday, 12 June 2018

University of Newcastle – Enterprise Bargaining update

University of Newcastle – Enterprise Bargaining update – June 2018 (PDF version)

Your CPSU NSW Professional Staff Bargaining Team met with management on 6 June 2018 to continue negotiating for your rights and entitlements through Enterprise Bargaining.

Clauses discussed included:

  • Dispute Resolution
  • Staff Development
  • Study Leave
  • Flexibility
  • Staff Induction
  • Fixed Term Conversion

With In-Principle Agreement reached in relation to Study leave and an undertaking by the University to include information in relation to the Union in staff inductions.

Your Bargaining Team will come back on Dispute Resolution and Flexibility at the next meeting.  Management will respond to Fixed Term Conversion and Staff Development.

We are coming closer to an agreed outcome on outstanding clauses but are not there yet. The next meeting, on 13 June, will be a whole-day meeting in an attempt to bring bargaining closer to completion.

Become involved

Contact your bargaining representatives to discuss any concerns you have, and please feel free to request a workplace meeting. At the end of the negotiation you will be asked to vote on the package and we want that to be an informed and deliberate vote by staff whose working lives are covered by the Agreement. Ask your colleagues to stand with you by JOINING CPSU NSW today.

UoN Professional Staff representatives

Sue Freeman

Lyn Keily

Stephen Hopkins

CPSU NSW staff

Phoebe Dangerfield

Ron Hunter

Please note:

CPSU NSW members are also members of the Public Service Association of NSW. The PSA is the Associated Body for, and resources and manages, the CPSU NSW.