
Wednesday, 6 June 2018

Flexible Work @ UNSW

">Flexible work @ UNSW – June 2018 (PDF version)

You may have recently received an email from the University touting the benefits of flexible work, and celebrating Flexible Working Day.

While CPSU NSW is pleased to see that the University is so enthusiastic about flexible work options, the current provisions in your Enterprise Agreement are far from perfect.

As part of the current round of Enterprise Bargaining negotiations, CPSU NSW has presented a revised Flex clause (which you can read HERE) that aims to secure the following improvements:

  • A minimum standard of entitlements, to ensure consistent and fair access to Flex for all UNSW Professional Staff;
  • Provisions to protect gold-standard Flex entitlements in work areas that currently exceed the minimum standard;
  • The ability for staff to have a say in the development of local Flex policies
  • A requirement for managers to provide a business case to demonstrate genuine operational needs before removing current local policies, to prevent arbitrary actions.

To date, the University has been unwavering in its refusal to accept any improvements to current conditions. It seems as though they can talk the talk about flexibility, but when it comes to walking the walk they’re suddenly quite stiff!

The University has invited staff to complete a survey on their experiences with the current flexible working conditions. CPSU NSW encourages all members to participate, and tell them exactly how you feel.

If you are not yet a member of the CPSU NSW, you can join the CPSU NSW by going to