Coal Services Enterprise Agreement 2017 update – May 2018
Great news from your union: the Coal Services Enterprise Agreement 2017 was approved by the Fair Work Commission (FWC) on 26 April, 2018. The Enterprise Agreement operates seven days after its approval by the FWC, with a nominal expiry date of 30 June 2019; operating for two years.
What are the industrial wins?
The CPSU NSW lodged bargaining claims around issues affecting working families. We won significant gains on the following:
An increase for paid Primary Carer and Adoption Leave (child under five years of age) to 12 weeks’ full pay; or 24 weeks’ half pay.
The inclusion of a cessation of pregnancy clause for employees whose pregnancy has proceeded for at least 20 weeks and her pregnancy either terminates or results in a still birth, the employee will be entitled to the Paid entitlement for Primary Carer Leave in line with the terms of the Agreement.
Paid entitlement for Adoption Leave (child between five and 16 years of age), Foster Parent
Leave and Partner Leave to increase to three weeks’ full pay; or six weeks’ half pay.
Complete a review of the classification structure and framework to produce a clearly defined process of moving between classification levels and, to determine reasonable workloads. The aim of the parties is to have this matter determined within 12 months after the ratification date by the FWC.
The inclusion of a Domestic Violence Leave clause applicable to permanent employees, pro-rata for part-time employees. The provision is for eight days’ leave per annum.
Enhancement of flexible working hours for all staff. This is a great win by our delegates and members and goes to promoting and encouraging a healthy work-life balance for all employees.
Implementation and enforcement of the agreement
There are a lot of changes in this agreement and union membership will be critical to ensure that the new agreement is implemented properly and enforced by the unions. There is no point having an agreement no-one enforces and we encourage members to identify any concerns and raise them with your union.
Sign up members/join your union.
If you have any questions you can contact your union officials Ian or Maryanne by emailing the following:
Maryanne Stuart – Industrial Officer
This is a member-only communication. However, if you have non-members around you, please ask them to join either the CPSU NSW.
To join the CPSU NSW go to the following link: HERE or