University of Western Sydney member update – May 2018 (PDF version)
Today is the 1st May and nation-wide is JOIN YOUR UNION DAY! For Professional Staff at Western Sydney University your Union is the CPSU NSW, the Professional Staff Union. CPSU NSW has long represented Professional Staff at WSU and have proudly maintained a strong independent voice for Professional Staff at WSU.
To all the hundreds of CPSU NSW members at WSU you should be proud to be part of the Professional Staff Union, ensuring a democratic local voice for Professional Staff that doesn’t get lost among the academia that dominates our universities. You have achieved a lot recently in the last round of enterprise bargaining negotiations. Visit our website HERE for the full details. Please share this with your colleagues and talk to them about why you are a member of the CPSU NSW, and ask them to JOIN the CPSNNSW, the Professional Staff Union.
May Day is the international day of the worker, where trade unionists across the country celebrate our achievements and continue to fight to protect and improve workers lives worldwide. For those of you who are not yet members of the CPSU NSW you can JOIN online at
By joining the CPSU NSW, you will become part of a dedicated group of Professional Staff members at WSU who support each other and contribute to making the working lives of WSU Professional Staff better in many ways.
For those of you who do not want to join, we are interested to understand why and what we can do be more relevant for you and your colleagues. Please take a minute to answer this anonymous survey found HERE.
This Sunday, CPSU NSW members will be attending the May Day rally in Hyde Park to celebrate our achievements and discuss what more needs to change. The Rules are Broken in so many ways, with rising income inequality, more and more corporate tax dodgers and a reduction in public services that helps ensure a good, stable community.
Come along and join your CPSU NSW members at Hyde Park from 11am Sunday 6 April.