
Monday, 30 April 2018

NTEU call stop-work meetings at CSU campuses

NTEU call stop-work meetings at CSU campuses – May 2018 (PDF version)

The NTEU has advised the CPSU NSW that it will strike for two hours (12-2pm) on 1 May 2018.

We understand the action is in response to a failure to progress negotiations with the University on a range of matters including:

  • Stronger protections against bullying
  • Improved job security for casuals and fixed tem staff
  • Better consultation during workplace change
  • Specific Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employment quotas
  • No reduction in union capacity to represent staff concerns and interests

While the CPSU NSW respects our colleagues right to strike, we will not be participating in tomorrow’s stop work action.

In terms of our bargaining claims, the CPSU NSW has resolved all bar four matters. The unresolved matters are:

  • conversion arrangements for casual professional staff,
  • minor amendments to “bank holiday” concessional leave
  • professional staff salaries; and
  • the duration of any new enterprise agreement.

In relation to casual conversion rights and concessional leave, we believe we are close to a resolution with CSU that would improve on the existing arrangements.

Professional staff salaries and the duration of the new agreement remain problematic. We have indicated to the University that an outcome averaging better than two per cent annually would be acceptable over the life of a shorter three -year agreement (i.e. 2017-2019) from the end of the previous agreement, and not the four years favoured by CSU.

We are both mindful of the federal government’s funding freeze across the sector, and cognisant that a federal election will occur either this year or next and do not favour being locked into a longer term enterprise agreement with annual salary increases at or below the Consumer Price Index.

For further information contact John Jones at or our Senior Industrial Officer, Thane Pearce at .