
Thursday, 15 March 2018

The Grinch Stole Easter!

Land Registry Services CPSU NSW Easter Grinch Bulletin – March 2018 (PDF version)

CPSU Members at Land Registry Services.

Management has sent a notice attempting to remove your Award (clause 21.19) and Flex Agreement (Clause 6.1) entitlement which affords you the opportunity to take an additional half flex-day on Easter Thursday.

Your Flexible Working Hours Agreement gives you the right to an additional half day flex leave on the Thursday preceding the Good Friday public holiday.  The Agreement states that the leave can be given on a different date if operation or business requirements dictate this.  The Agreement doesn’t allow LRS to simply decide they no longer wish to give the leave at all.

You’ve accumulated the time so you have a right to use it. The issue is petty, yet is an indication of how Management feel about your working rights and conditions.

Management is curtailing the use of Flextime and have offered no reasonable explanation for doing so. This appears to be the start of an attempt by Management to erode and diminish your working conditions.

The CPSU is your union and we will fight for your working conditions and entitlements! We will progress the matter and update within the next week. Please print this bulletin out and pass the information to non-members.

If you’re aware of any issue which affects you and your colleagues contact your CPSU Organiser, Ian Little,

Join your colleagues in the struggle for fair conditions. If you’re not a CPSU NSW member join online: