ACU Human Resources Directorate – 7 December 2017 (PDF version)
The CPSU NSW represents and supports Professional Staff at the Australian Catholic University, as well as universities across NSW. Yesterday the union was notified that a Change Management Plan had been issued in relation to the Human Resources Directorate. This is a significant change, with a reduction in staffing numbers, and considerable changes to many of the positions with the HR Directorate. You should all have a copy by now and we strongly encourage everyone to read through the details and ask any questions to clarify exactly what the proposal is and any impacts this may have on you, your position and your colleagues.
There are a significant amount of change to positions and reduction in positions. This includes:
Human Resources staff within any organisation are an invaluable and integral part of ensuring a strong, resilient and ethical workplace for all employees across the whole of the workforce. Significant changes such as this should ideally result in improved internal services for employees, improved safety outcomes, and the development of a positive and supportive workplace culture.
CPSU NSW can support employees through this challenging time by facilitating collective responses and feedback to the proposed changes. This can be particularly helpful for employees who may feel hesitation in providing frank and fearless constructive criticism or suggestions. Where a number of employees affected believe there are genuine alternatives to what is being proposed, CPSU NSW can assist in lobbying (and, if needed, campaigning) to help encourage management to adopt the suggested changes to more align with what employees believe will benefit the organisation, and employees careers and job security.
If you are interested please feel free to contact the CPSU NSW at or call our Members Support Centre on 1300 772 679.
Please note; members of CPSU NSW are also members of the Public Service Association of NSW. The PSA is the Associated Body of the CPSU NSW and supports and resources the CPSU NSW membership.
If you are not yet a member, you can JOIN the CPSU NSW (PSA) online HERE.