WaterNSW has backed away from plans to omit redundancy entitlements from the unified enterprise agreement, after the joint unions vowed to fight the proposal.
The development comes amid a range of other concessions from the corporation aimed at clearing the decks for a pre-Christmas ballot.
Also off the table are proposed changes to long service leave, which would have allowed WaterNSW to direct staff with a balance of three or more months to take leave.
WaterNSW has produced a useful table of amendments for staff to track changes to existing employment conditions. See your intranet for the full details.
WaterNSW has again revised its pay offer to provide a minimum annual salary increases to all existing employees of up to one per cent (Above Range) or two per cent (Zone 1-4 and Legacy), dependant on performance.
Additional individualised annual increases are available for staff who demonstrate ‘good’ performance (Grade 1-7), or in the case of existing A to C Band staff either ‘good’ or ‘brilliant’ performance. The additional annual increase range from 2.2 per cent for Zone 1 (Grades 1-7) staff to nothing for Legacy staff (Grades 1-7). Existing Band A-C staff can attain additional increases of up to 4.9 per cent for Zone 1 to nothing for Legacy staff.
The additional annual increase is the ‘progression’ through the zones and on top of the base two per cent. Legacy staff receive one per cent and no progression.
Further annual team contribution bonuses (TCBs) are also available under the proposal where ‘business performance improvement’ measures are achieved. This can range from 0.5 per cent to two per cent in the first year of the agreement to 0.4 per cent to 3.6 per cent each year thereafter.
The corporation’s performance-based pay scheme is unquestionably the most contentious aspect of the proposed package and means each employee and team will be assessed and rewarded differently.
As CPSU NSW has previously advised, all staff will be situated within the planned classification structure according to an evaluation of their position using the Mercer CED methodology. This, combined with the performance pay model and team contribution bonuses (TCBs), will mean remunerations outcomes over the life of the agreement may vary markedly between staff within grade and on the basis of individual and team performance.
It is very important that you check your Mercer Points to work out how you transition to the propose pay structure. Transition is not based on current classification or current salary.
Bottom line: Guaranteed annual increases range from between nothing (for some new or underperforming employees) to either one per cent (Above Range) or two per cent (All grades, Zone 1-4 and Legacy).
Any increase above this is dependent on individual and team performance as assessed by WaterNSW, with limited scope for independent review, such as the Fair Work Commission.
Under WaterNSW’s proposal, some staff will be better off, with the potential for a limited number to do very well out it. Other staff will be worse off, with some conditions reduced; pay rises below CPI and an increase of weekly working hours without compensation.
For former DPI Water members, if employees VOTE NO to WaterNSW’s proposal – your Award conditions will remain in place, and any relevant future Fair Work issued pay rises will flow on.
For former SWC members, if employees VOTE NO –all your conditions remain the same, however members will need to put pressure on management to pass on pay rises.
CPSU NSW wants your opinion on the WaterNSW proposal.
We’ve organised two member teleconferences for:
To join this teleconference dial:
Toll-free: 1800904677
Extension: 360 (if inside PSA House)
Enter this access code: 0189604
To join this teleconference dial:
Toll-free: 1800904677
Extension: 360 (if inside PSA House)
Enter this access code: 0109550
We will also conduct a ballot of members to determine the CPSU position if WaterNSW confirm plans to put the proposal to a vote of all employees.
Not a member? JOIN today.