
Monday, 9 October 2017

University of Technology enterprise bargaining negotiations

University of Technology enterprise bargaining negotiations – October 2017 (PDF version)

CPSU NSW Members Update – Meeting #8

Your CPSU NSW delegates and Industrial Officer have met with Management and the Academics for meeting number 8 on Tuesday 3 October.

The CPSU NSW tabled a new clause on Home Based Work arrangements which is not in the current Agreement. The negotiating team has brought forward instances where professional staff worked from home, such as when the Market Campus was flooded and library staff could not access the building which had no power, light or air-con. The discussion went further to include examples where staff may not be able to attend the workplace due to illness or injury, but still have the capacity to work.

The objective of this clause is: “to assist staff with the balance of work and life responsibilities.” Under this clause, staff may make the request themselves.

1.1 Home-Based Work Arrangements

1.1.1 A Staff Member may make a request to perform their duties from their home to assist staff with the balance of various work and life responsibilities.

1.1.2 The University has discretion to:

(a) approve the Staff Member to perform some their duties from their home; and

(b) impose conditions on the Staff Member. This is limited by any other provisions in this Agreement. These conditions are outlined in work health safety standards, policies and directives of the University.

The university is currently working on a policy regarding these arrangements and has not initially rejected this new clause at the negotiating table. Further discussion will be taken up at the next negotiation meeting.

We have further negotiations regarding Flex Time arrangements and access, Misconduct/Serious Misconduct definitions, Change Management arrangements and the Casual Conversion clause.

Your CPSU NSW delegates continue to negotiate on your behalf for decent conditions of employment and to ensure previously hard won conditions are not lost.

Your Bargaining Team is

Rachel O’Shea

Rosa Bow

Gregory Hampshire

Mark Christopher

Please note, CPSU NSW members are also members of the Public Service Association of NSW. The PSA is the Associated Body that resources and manages the CPSU NSW

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