Australian Unity – decentralisation of Customer Care Hub – Sept. 2017 (PDF version)
At a meeting between your union, the CPSU NSW and Australian Unity on 21 September 2017, we were advised of a proposed restructure and changes to the Customer Care Hub in Parramatta.
In short, Australian Unity advised of its intention to create a fully decentralised rostering model to be completed by the end of November 2017 and advised the number of affected staff is as follows:
The reason cited for the restructure is that the current split model for half of the Home and Disability Service customers from a central rostering and the balance on a decentralised model is unsustainable.
Australian Unity has subsequently confirmed that ‘no Transferring Employees (who were formerly employees of the Home Care Service NSW) are likely to have their employment terminated as a result of this change, although a very small number may change roles following appropriate consultation and recruitment processes’.
The first tranche of branches to undertake the rostering will commence by 29 September 2017 followed by a second tranche on 3 November 2017. Australian Unity advised that it will create eight Team Leader roles probably based at Parramatta and recruitment will be open to all current Allocations Coordinators.
Subsequent to the meeting, we understand staff were given retrenchment notices and advised they may be able to apply for EOI positions. This was not what we were advised in the meeting.
The CPSU NSW requested written particulars of the following:
A change management plan including the tranches of affected staff;
Information that has been furnished to affected staff.
Once we have been provided with the requested further information, the CPSU NSW will seek member and delegate feedback.
Your union, the CPSU NSW will continue consultation with the management of Australian Unity in relation to the restructure including through the Joint Consultative Committee (JCC) process.
We will continue to be your union and to fight for your rights and entitlements.
Your CPSU NSW delegate is:
Your PSA/CPSU NSW staff are:
Industrial Officer, Dean Allen
Senior Organiser, Siobhan Callinan
Encourage your colleagues to join the PSA online at, or see your delegates for membership forms.