
Tuesday, 6 June 2017

Kingswood TAFE visit by CPSU Industrial Officer

Kingswood TAFE visit by CPSU Industrial Officer – June 2017 (PDF version)

The PSA (CPSU) has been advised of the death of a member at Kingswood TAFE.

Your union will be in contact with the member’s family to offer condolences and arrange for release of Provident Fund monies.

Kingswood is a close-knit campus and this sad event has affected many friends and colleagues. Industrial Officer Phoebe Dangerfield will be on-site from 12pm next Wednesday, 7 June, along with delegate Glenda Pryor, should members wish to discuss any areas of concern or just talk about the friendship/workplace relationship that has been cut so tragically short.

A meeting room is being arranged and you will be advised of venue as soon as possible.

In the meantime please remember to avail yourselves of the EAP Counselling Service and the union’s Member Support Centre can assist with more specific employment-related concerns.