It was brought to your union’s attention recently that the temporary structure that currently houses Hornsby Carpentry had health and safety issues involving air circulation, noise, machine shop lighting and rain run-off.
The CPSU (PSA) raised concerns with the Regional Business Group.
We are now in a position to report that:
TAFE NSW is working with Roads and Maritime which owns the building to address the health and safety matters raised by your union
Rain run off at both entry points will be rectified with a covered walkway which is being installed
The issue of the unprotected metal support brackets on the ducting in the machine shop has been rectified
Air temperature will be monitored/recorded on a monthly basis and at this stage industrial fans have been provided to improve air circulation
Noise reduction options plus alternative PPE hearing protection is being investigated. We expect TAFE NSW to come back to us on this soon
Alternative locations for theory classes are being investigated and again, we expect to hear back from TAFE NSW in the near future
Lighting in the machine workshop will be monitored as light levels drop with the approach of winter.
If you have concerns with regard to work health and safety in your area, please contact your Organiser Steve Caslick on
You can support the work of the CPSU/PSA and your local delegates by asking your colleagues to JOIN the CPSU.
Please forward this bulletin to your colleagues so that they are aware of their rights.