
Tuesday, 7 March 2017

So much for choice… Benevolent Society secures single clinical services contract

So much for choice… Benevolent Society secures single clinical services contract (PDF Version)

The Benevolent Society has been named the sole successful tenderer for all FACS NSW clinical services, with CST staff expected to transfer to the new operator in August 2017.

Officials from the PSA were briefed on the announcement last week, and were advised further meetings would be held with affected staff over the coming weeks.

FACS has advised us of the agency is yet to finalise an information pack for transferring staff- and will conduct further discussion with the Benevolent Society over the coming weeks. However we expect the NSW Government to push ahead with plans to strip staff of their public sector redundancy entitlements under any transfer arrangements.

In addition to statutory arrangements under the Fair Work Act 2009 which provided limited protection of the employment conditions of transferring staff, the PSA has also sought to clarify whether staff will receive a similar letter of appointment with the Benevolent Society, as occurred with the Australian Unity transfer. We have requested further consultation on this matter.

Have a Heart Premier – keep disability services public!

NSW needs to retain critical government operated disability services. Click HERE to see ADHC parent, Barbara Spode on the importance of public care.

We are keeping up the pressure on by holding protests at MP offices across NSW.

You can support the work of your delegates and the PSA by asking your colleagues to JOIN their union and come along to our protests.

Members needed for campaign action – 8 March

Members will be handing out information in front of Premier Berejiklian’s Willoughby office on Wednesday 8 March which is also International Women’s Day.




280 Willoughby Road, Naremburn


With a workforce dominated by women, this is an opportunity to raise awareness about the inequitable transfer deal for disability workers. You deserve to be treated the same as you male counterparts in previous privatisations.

Join us and help fight to #keepitpublic

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