TAFE NSW implementation update – November 2016 (PDF version)
This week your union signed off on the Flexible Working Hours Agreement.
The FWHA originally contained a clause that made it unavailable to part-year workers. After discussions with PSA (CPSU), TAFE offered to make it available to current partyear employees, but not future ones. This was not acceptable to your union and TAFE eventually agreed to remove the clause. The FWHA can now be accessed by part-year employees current and future. This is a great win by your union and is a result of solidarity on the part of all members. Congratulations!
The institutes are all doing road shows with information in regard to the implementation of the Agreement. TAFE was supposed to show us the documentation prior to releasing it through the road shows. This did not happen and, as a consequence, not all the information is correct. We have written to TAFE Corporate with our concerns and expect that amendments to the information will be made.
TAFE will send letters to staff from 28 November regarding the move into the new classification framework. You can appeal if you are not happy with the classification determined for your position. The institutes will do initial reviews, then it can go to a centralised team if necessary.
TAFE is currently working on the conversion of part-year employees and we expect the contracts for next year will be fully compliant with the Enterprise Agreement.
The Enterprise Agreement is a complex document and will take time to be implemented fully. We appreciate our members’ concerns as the end of the year approaches and are working to ensure that your needs are addressed.
The PSA (CPSU) will continue to update members on the implementation of the Enterprise Agreement and how the changes will impact you. Please forward this information to your colleagues and encourage them to join your union.
As we work through the implementation of the Enterprise Agreement, the most important thing you can do is to ensure everyone in your workplace has a voice.
Joining your union is the only way to have your voice heard in the continuing consultations with management.
If you are already a member, increase the strength of the union by asking colleagues to join.
Not a member? Join your union today to fight for improvements to your workplace and working environment.