TAFE Northern Sydney Institute Consultative Committee meeting

TAFE Northern Sydney Institute Consultative Committee meeting – November 2016 (PDF version)

The lnstitute’s Consultative Committee meeting on 15 November 2016 was attended by PSA (CPSU) Delegate Patrick Kiss and Industrial Advocate Phoebe Dangerfield.

The Institute advised Finance, Marketing, Promotions and People and Culture will be centralised. The Finance Restructure was released on 23 November.

Your union raised concerns in regard to personal mobile numbers being requested so staff can be contacted out of hours by management for non-emergency situations. Apart from the fact these staff are not in managerial positions or would be expected to deal with issues outside of work hours, there were concerns in regard to privacy issues and also the lack of an on-call allowance. We will pursue this with management.

It was agreed we would continue the Consultative Committees into the first half of next year then review as necessary depending on how the transition into OneTAFE.

If you wish to raise any items for future ICC agendas, please contact your PSA Delegate or your Organiser.

In the meantime the most important thing you can do is to ensure that everyone in your workplace has a voice.

Joining your union is the only way to have your voice heard in the continuing consultations with management.

If you are already a member, increase the strength of the union by asking your colleagues to join.

Not a member? Joining your union today to fight for improvements to your workplace and working environment.