University of Newcastle infrastructure, facilities and services outsourcing

University of Newcastle infrastructure facilities and services outsourcing – April 2016 (PDF version)

A general meeting has been called to collect feedback on the Infrastructure Facilities and Services (IFS) restructure released for comment last Thursday. The university plans to delete 33 jobs and outsource its security and mail services.

Will the restructure affect you and your unit?

Are you happy with the maintenance provided by Broadspectrum (once called Transfield)? This restructure will see more work given to this company.

Have you any concerns that you would like the PSA (CPSU) to include in its formal response to the Change Proposal Paper?

Come to an open session and talk to union organiser Marg Fullick to discuss what action we can take in response to this planned outsourcing.

Wednesday 6 April

Anytime from 12pm to 1.30pm

HA55 Callaghan campus

We also encourage all staff to make an individual response. Submissions are due 21 April 2016.

PSA (CPSU) Newcastle University Branch AGM

Have you ever considered being more involved in your union?

Are you interested in ensuring that the University meets its goals to be a “Healthy UoN”?

Having a voice and being involved empowers members and strengthens the union’s voice in many forums.

The Newcastle University PSA (CPSU) Branch AGM has been scheduled for 5 May 2016.

Room details will be forwarded, once confirmed. However, put this date in your diary and consider nominating for a position.


Michelle Woodhouse

Nick Koster

Dale Crowther


Mark Smith:  

your representative on the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment Committee

Lea Petrovic: 

your representative on the Psychological Health Working Party

Marg Fullick: 

PSA (CPSU) Organiser

Jan Jeffries:   

PSA (CPSU) Industrial Advocate