TAFE Western Sydney Institute Consultative Committee Meeting – March 2016 (PDF version)
The institute’s consultative committee meeting on 17 March 2016 was attended by PSA delegate Glenda Pryor and industrial advocate Phoebe Dangerfield.
The institute director discussed that the new managing director, Jon Black, is restructuring TAFE Corporate and until that is complete – hopefully by 1 July 2016 – all large restructures are on hold. Small restructures that contain redundancies for fewer than five people can go ahead.
Management stated they have no plans to break down restructures along business lines to be able to go ahead with their plans. However, they would be considering the possibility of implementing some parts of restructures in response to changing organisational requirements. It was agreed unions and staff would be informed prior to any implementation and the intranet page would be updated to reflect current status.
Your union also raised concerns regarding administration staff bearing the brunt of a failed computer system and employees being seconded into other projects, leaving inexperienced staff to backfill. Management claimed to want to do more in terms of resilience training.
The PSA sought assurance from the institute that further training and upskilling in specialised areas could be included in the Performance Development Plan, which management agreed could happen.
The issue of amalgamating TAFE institutes was raised. However, the institute director stated Jon Black’s restructure of TAFE Corporate still has 10 institutes in it.
If you wish to raise any items for future ICC agendas, contact your PSA delegate, Glenda Pryor at .
In the meantime, the most important thing you can do is to ensure that everyone in your workplace has a voice.
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