Hunter TAFE PSA workgroup Annual General Meeting – March 2016 (PDF version)
17 March 2016
12.30 -1.30pm
Belmont – TBA
Cessnock – VC room
Glendale – Library LG.6
Gosford – AG12
Muswellbrook – TBA
Singleton – FG8
Wyong – Library J1.05
Nominations are invited from the financial members of Hunter TAFE Workplace Group for the positions of:
Nominations are also invited for the following:
PSA Institute Consultative Committee Representatives (3)
The three positions of PSA Institute Consultative Committee (ICC) Representative are for a two-year term and may be held at the same time with any of the positions above.
All nominees, nominators and seconders must be financial members of the Association.
Each nomination must be seconded by two other persons who are from the same group.
Nominations must be on the prescribed form (or facsimile of it).
Nomination forms are available at the PSA website:
The Deputy Returning 0fficer, Public Service Association of NSW
Fax: (02) 9262 1623
Post: GPO Box 3365, Sydney NSW 2001
Nominations must reach PSA Head Office no later than 16 March 2016.
All delegates to the Workplace Group will be given free training by the PSA in your role, as well as ongoing support from your union.
Stephen O’Brien,
David Mason,
Walter Upson,
Murray Brydon,
Mark Coleman;
Lynn Hamm
Want to be more involved in your union?
Become a Hunter TAFE PSA (CPSU) delegate.