TAFE bulletin – Institute Managers Enterprise Bargaining – 18 December 2015 (PDF version)
The PSA (CPSU) notes that the recent TAFE Managers Enterprise Agreement 2015 was recently voted up by 60% of the TAFE Managers who took part in the ballot. The PSA (CPSU) also notes that all current permanent TAFE Managers are being given a guarantee of permanency irrespective of “business reviews” or successful promotional positions.
However, temporary TAFE Managers and Administrative & Teaching employees who want to further their careers, are going to be significantly disadvantaged by this agreement.
A new form of temporary contract will be used for all current temporary TAFE Managers and all future TAFE Managers called ‘specified term’ or ‘maximum term’ contract.
This form of contract may be terminated at any time, for any (or no) reason without notice.
TAFE NSW is offering to include a period of notice or payment in lieu of notice in each individual contract. As the notice period is not specified in the agreement, TAFE can change this at any time or remove the notice period completely.
The PSA (CPSU) is concerned about the impact of this new form of temporary contract and is challenging this in the Fair Work Commission as part of the approval process.
The PSA (CPSU) is not seeking to have the Agreement rejected completely by the Fair Work Commission. The union is however requesting that the Commission review this new form of temporary employment (maximum/specified term contract) to ensure it is compliant with the Modern Award and the National Employment Standards.
If the PSA (CPSU) is successful, the union is requesting that the Commission amend the temporary contract clause to reflect the traditional form of temporary employment, also known as fixed term employment.
This means that the contract cannot be terminated during its term, unless it is for significant misconduct or significant poor performance. The union will continue to advocate for TAFE NSW to employ new TAFE Managers on permanent contracts.
The 2% pay rise will likely be paid effective from the first full pay period in January 2016 even if there is a delay in approving the agreement.
The PSA (CPSU) will update members as the matter progresses. The union hopes that this can be resolved quickly and not hold up the agreement being finalised and approved by the Fair Work Commission.
Ask your colleagues to join the PSA (CPSU) HERE