TAFE New England bulletin – September 2015 (PDF version)
Over the last few months, TAFE New England (TNE) has been conducting a review of the structure of its Educational Services. Just prior to the release of a restructure proposal, staff in the Strategy and Innovation Unit were told that they were also going to be included in the review. The proposal initially involved the disbanding of the Strategy and Innovation Unit and the creation of an eLearning team.
Following consultation with members the PSA (CPSU) lodged a dispute with TNE under the enterprise agreement Our dispute concerned the engagement process for Strategy and Innovation staff as well as the form and content of the change proposal document.
The PSA (CPSU) met with TNE to discuss the dispute and attempt resolution. The PSA (CPSU) achieved a fantastic outcome where:
TNE maintains that it followed established TAFE NSW practice in conducting the review. The PSA (CPSU) is concerned that TAFE NSW practice does not accord with NSW Government guidelines and your enterprise agreement, and will look for further opportunities to agitate around this issue.
Thank you and well done to our committed members at TNE who worked tirelessly to achieve this outcome.
If you have moved home or work location, or you have changed your contacts, please update your membership details on the PSA (CPSU) website or HERE