TAFE Bulletin re campaign against Smart and Skilled reforms – 29 June 2015 (PDF version)
The PSA’s campaign against the NSW Government’s “Smart and Skilled” reforms continues. On 4 June an inquiry into vocational education and training in NSW was announced. This inquiry has come about due to the hard work and campaigning that YOU, the members, and other community groups have done to highlight the effects the Smart and Skilled reforms are having upon vocational education in NSW. To view photos from our recent community doorknocking, please click here
The Parliamentary Inquiry will be taking submissions until 14 August, and the PSA will be making a submission to the inquiry on behalf of members. The terms of reference for the inquiry are available here
The committee will be required to report its findings and recommendations to Parliament by Tuesday 17th November 2015.
NSW budget papers have revealed that there have been 30,000 fewer students enrolled in TAFE since the Smart and Skilled reforms were introduced. The need for implementing a market based model in TAFENSW has not been adequately explained, with little or no factual evidence that a contestable funding model is good for vocational education, students or the economy.
The PSA believes that in order for the NSW Government to meet their basic commitment to provide quality vocational education and training in NSW they need to:
Members are strongly encouraged to have your say on the Smart and Skilled reforms. If you would like to get involved in the campaign or contribute your ideas to the PSA submission please register your details here