Letter to TAFE members re enterprise bargaining – 16 June 2015 (PDF version)
On Monday 1 June you received an email ‘Notice of representational rights and commencement of enterprise bargaining – TAFE Commission of NSW Administrative, Support and Related Employees Enterprise Agreement 2015’ from the Managing Director. The sending of this notice is a requirement under the Fair Work Act 2009, now enterprise bargaining is about to commence with your union, the PSA (CPSU).
As you are already a PSA (CPSU) member, you do not have to do anything in response to the email. The PSA (CPSU) is automatically your bargaining representative.
YES. Our ability to win the best possible agreement for you is dependent on a strong and active membership. You can contribute to this by:
✓ providing feedback to the PSA (CPSU). We need to know what members care about the most, and to make sure you have your say about your needs and wants;
✓ to help you we would like you to complete a short online survey www.surveymonkey.com/r/TAFE-EB3
✓ joining our enterprise bargaining campaign team – ask your delegate or organiser about this;
✓ let non-members know that if they are not yet a PSA (CPSU) member they need to join for us to represent them at the bargaining table. They can join the PSA (CPSU) online at membership.psa.asn.au/join
✓ following us on Twitter @ twitter.com/OurTAFE
✓ liking us on Facebook @ www.facebook.com/pages/OurTAFE
• A two-day bargaining meeting has been organised for the 18 and 19 June 2015.
• We will roll out engagement meetings with members to identify what their key priorities are for this round of bargaining.
• We will keep you informed of the progress of bargaining with regular member updates.
Yours in Union,
Anne Gardiner
General Secretary