STATUS: Application pending since August 2014
Agency has requested the application to be amended because the agency believes the application “requires an unreasonable and substantial diversion” of agency resources. Agency is investigating which part of the application require the most processing time from each division.
Application amended to information for the financial years of 2010/2011, 2011/2012, 2012/2013, 2013/2014 from the Department of Justice and each of the divisions of departments including Corrective Services NSW and Juvenile Justice:
- The number of internal investigations initiated relating to staff conduct and performance
- The number of internal investigations finalised relating to staff conduct and performance
- The number of internal investigations relating to staff conduct and performance by type
- The number of staff that are subject to internal investigations relating to staff conduct and performance for each of the specified years
- The number of internal investigations relating to staff conduct and performance conducted by department staff and the number of investigations conducted through the engagement of external investigators for each of the specified years
- In instances where investigations were undertaken by external investigators, provide the dollar total of each contract for each investigation and month and year of the investigation.
Separate applications are being posted to State Emergency Services and NSW Rural Fire Service as of 16 September 2014.