As part of your new Enterprise Agreement, TAFE committed to develop a new classification structure by the end of 2014, for inclusion in a new enterprise agreement in mid-2015.
A modern classification system should:
The PSA/CPSU is committed to ensuring that your qualifications, allowances, work, health and safety rights, and conditions are protected and maintained.
Throughout the year, we will be undertaking comprehensive consultation with members to seek your input and guidance, and to ensure that the classification structure reflects your needs.
We will draw on the experience of our delegates and activists who have done work on this issue in the past.
To succeed, we need you!
It’s really important that every member has the opportunity to have your views and experience represented.
We would like to establish a union working party, consisting of delegates and contacts from across the 10 TAFE NSW Institutes, to help talk to your colleagues and guide negotiations with TAFE management.
In the early 1990s, NSW universities developed a uniform structure for assessing duties across 10 levels.
These are defined in university enterprise agreements and help to provide consistency across the sector.
The PSA/CPSU played a key part in developing the structure, which is still successfully used in universities.
What’s involved in the working party?
This depends on your areas of interest and how much you want to be involved in the classification review. You might help your organiser to hold a local meeting, participate in meetings with other union delegates, or be part of the negotiations with TAFE management.
You will receive the training and support you need to help you in your role.
You’ll also be able to access time release and other rights under Clause 55 (Trade Union Activities Regarded as on Duty) under your Enterprise Agreement.
How you can express your interest
Send an email with your name, position, College/Campus, Institute and contact details to
Forward or print this bulletin and give it to your colleagues not in the PSA/CPSU. Being a union member is the only way TAFE staff can ensure your voices are heard. The PSA/CPSU can be joined here.
For more information, please contact your TAFE Organiser: